Sapmi - Sweden
April 19 - 23th
How do you build a resilient and thriving organization, while being in balance with nature?
How do you lead as an example in the world of investments when it comes to sustainability?
A Transformative Experience
for Conscious Leaders & Investors
As you ask yourself these essential questions about becoming resilient – about creating a path that keeps the ecosystem in balance – let's ask those that have sustained themselves and nature in a rough territory and climate for thousands of years.
In Sapmi, the vast arctic tundra of northern Sweden, we connect to ten thousand years of ancient knowledge. The Saami are the last indigenous people left in Europe still herding their reindeer and keeping their traditions alive.
What could an indigenous people tell us about the complex problems of our current times? What could we possibly learn about leadership, sustainability and decision making from them?
We always look for the next new thing - to be up to date, ahead of the curve. However, there is deep wisdom in what survived the trends and storms of time. Ancient knowledge and practices are key for our modern times. As neither complex problems, harsh environments nor difficult decisions are something new.
Our current societal problems and organisational challenges are in their core as old as humanity. Taking the right decisions in the -40°C arctic night can mean life or death. Reading the landscape and making sure your reindeer get through the winter well decides upon the future of you and your community. Being able to recharge, to adapt and to wisely use the resources you have is key to a Saami life. As it is to yours as a leader in todays world.
This is a rare opportunity to meet Saami Elders, draw inspiration from their old Saami ways, their timeless wisdom and integrative leadership. Are you ready to deeply centre yourself, and to expand your leadership capacity with ancient wisdom?
We invite you to join us for this transformative experience. Deepen your strength and clarity to be a leader for a vibrant future. We will cross boundaries together, dive deep into the ways of the Arctic tundra, learn from the Elders, with each other and from the raw, wild, winter nature.
The Saami
The Saami have been living in harmony and connection with nature for thousands of years and have maintained a truly sustainable culture that preserved their environment. Like most indigenous culture around the world, their philosophy of life revolve around a deep respect and understanding of the laws of nature as well as a humbleness and gratefulness to mother earth.
The Saami had a nomadic lifestyle herding reindeers until they endured a process of forced assimilation from the Scandinavian nations. Today, most of Saami people live a modern life while reconnecting to their ancestral origin and honouring their cultural heritage following the deep collective trauma they experienced.
Their traditional territory, which is called Sápmi spreads across the whole northern part of Scandinavia including areas of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Northwest area of Russia. Around 20,000 Saami live in Sweden, which is approximately 0.22% of Sweden’s total population.
The challenge to reintegrate their traditional values and ancient knowledge with a modern lifestyle is even further exacerbated by today's mining and other economic activities that threatens the preservation of their essence and nature.
They have the most precise knowledge about the weather conditions, about the plants, the diet, the resources. The Sami people have an ethical relationship with nature; a respect for nature that also has a spiritual side.
The Arctic region is uniquely vulnerable to global warming, but if it is to weather the storm, it would do well to adopt Sami methods of land and resource management, communal co-operation and communication, local knowledge and best practice.
An Adventurous Experience
Together with other leaders we invite you to experience ancient knowledge and reconnection with your inner wisdom and pristine nature. Get inspiration from Saami Elders who naturally embody insights about the gift of life and their role in it.
Evolve your clarity and inner strength to guide your leadership and your organization.
Get inspired by timeless wisdom – gain new perspectives, indigenous views on our role as humanity and leadership
Experience old Saami rituals – sit in the fire circle, listen to stories and music of the Saami that transport their knowledge
Read the landscape & learn about nature´s laws – expedition with Saami elders who are still able to talk with their land
Timeless Wisdom
Deep Resilience
As a leader you know the challenge of leadership in our globally connected world. You also know the multi-faceted demands and pressures that come with this role.
Use this journey into the wild old land of Sapmi to strengthen yourself by being in nature, and reconnect to your intuition.
Connect with other conscious leaders
Re-energize your body - enjoy sauna rituals, icy walks and good meals
Feel the land - nature walks, meditations, walk or snowbike through this icy old land
Clarity and confidence arise from being completely present to the place, time and history you are born into.
Strengthen your rootedness and place as an integrated leader between the deeper sources of nature, ten thousand years of ancient knowledge.
Use all senses - experience your body intelligence, feel your own inner wisdom
Discover ancient potentials - connect ancestral origins with present and future
Embody your place as a leader - play with new roles
Strengthen your
Leadership Integrity
The Place
Time to
Recharge & Reflect
Bond with
Nature & Leaders
Location: IceHotel, Kiruna
Accommodation: Single & Shared rooms for 2 people (Two separate single beds)
Start: 3 pm, 19th April - End: noon 23rd of April
Price: 3,800 (share room) - 4,200 (single room) Euro + Tax
Include: Deep Encounter with Saami Elders // Leadership Journey & Facilitation of Nature Experience // Accommodation // All meals & Activities // Contribution to the Saami
"Last year I was honoured to be invited to the first Indigenous Wisdom Gathering on Eskaret Island, and in my own life this has now led to some highly significant ongoing connections. It is an extraordinary privilege to be in the company of elders who are carrying forward ancestral wisdom relating to the interconnectedness and interwovenness of life, and particularly so if they come from cultures that are living examples of reciprocity and mutuality. It is also a real joy to spend time with other leaders and change-agents who are committed to systems change. It requires from all of us the courage and humility of letting go of everything that we thought we knew and to drop into the powerful emergent space of deep listening. I was humbled to be a part of this initial very powerful gathering and fully recommend any future events to others."
Wendy Ellyatt
"As we are entering what will hopefully be what can be described as a metamodern world, we need to find new ways to see and be in the world. Indigenous wisdom will be key in this transition. We need to take experience from all the previous ways that we humans have related to each others, to the society and to the earth for new systems to emerge that integrate the best of humanity in relation to nature. The wisdom gatherings are a unique event and first step into that direction as to bridge indigenous wisdom with the modern and postmodern world to give birth to something uniquely new. It pushes us to rethink at an individual level how to bring transformation within ourselves to then catalyse and co-create the transformation the transformation in the outer world."
Tomas Björkman
"Reconnecting with the Sámi Elder Lars-Henrik, meeting his Sámi tribe and getting to know his home turf - this will be a highlight for me in 2023.
Count me in and I will confide what I'm looking most forward to: the joiking (their special way of communicating in a singing way). Magic, mystical, mythical - and Lars-Henrik is a true master of the Joiks. My deepest memory from the last Indigenous Wisdom Gathering with the Kogi."
Peter Jäderberg
Our old world and home
"The roof was of healthy clouds
The floor was of healthy mountain moors,
plains and valleys where rivers and waterways rippled freely, which are the lifelines of life
The mountain sides were our walls,
they controlled the winds and storms
Our new world and home
The roof is leaking, the floor has deep furrows, the waterways are dammed, acidified
and the mountain walls are cracking”
- a poem by Lars Henrik Blind (Saami Elder)